Photographs (left to right): Cloudland State Park, Georgia; Sunset, Rush, NY; Bluebird, Rush, NY
Welcome to the Bear's Den
The World of Wampum
Welcome to the exhibition of traditional, non-traditional wampum belts and other wampum objects. The wampum belts displayed herein are reproductions of original wampum belts which were that made by various Native American cultures. The replicas are either full-size or ‘miniaturized’ belts. The belt lengths were determined by bead count of the original belts. In duplication some belts the bead number is a best ‘guess’ given the fact the count was determined by the examination of photographs, drawings, and/or, in a few cases, paintings. Because of the modern simulated wampum beads used vary from the original wampum bead size, the replica belts are longer and a little wider than the authentic wampum belts.The web site is separated into three main sections: Wampum Belt Production, Wampum Store, The Wampum Library, Wampum Belt Archives, Native American Events, and Photograph Gallery. Links to these topics are provided by clicking on the appropriate Wampum House or Back Button.

This button provides the link page to the HOME page and is located on every page. Reminder: web pages are still under construction and modification. If you have information on any of the belts that you would like to share please contact me by the email link below.
Many of the belts are lacking information and reference source. If you have information on any of these belts please contact me by the Email link provided each page. Also, contact me is you have found any broken links.
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Downloading, capturing and copying any images is not authorized and in doing so, the person extracting these graphics assume all responsibility and may be subjected to penalties under copyright laws.
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Canandaigua Treaty Day 2005
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